Hope one day this planet will be one with love.
We have a lot of exciting new tour news from lynch.! (≧∇≦ )

First, they will be playing a show on February 28th, 2010 at Nagoya Bottom Line entitled 「NAME OF NAGOYA」. Playing at the show with lynch. will be DEATHGAZE, ClearVeil, Juliette, Lycaon, meth., and ハートレス (heartless). There will also be a special session band performing. Tickets will cost 2010 yen in advance and will go on sale December 26th or can be purchased the day of for 2510 yen.

Second, lynch. will be having a mini-tour in spring 2010 which has been dubbed the “Quattro tour”, entitled 『QUATTRO 3 NITES』. The tour dates are as follows:

March 30th, 2010 Nagoya CLUB QUATTRO
March 31st 2010 Shinsaibashi CLUB QUATTRO
April 8th, 2010 Shibuya CLUB QUATTRO

Tickets go on sale January 30th, 2010 and will cost 4000 yen.