Cyanoacrylate drink incident
While the group was filming a variety show in October 2006, U-Know was rushed to the hospital from drinking a beverage given by an anti-fan. U-Know drank from the bottle, believing it was given by a crew member. Because the drink was spiked with super glue, he was quickly instructed by his manager to vomit immediately after drinking it. The Anti turned herself in the next day. The female suspect, whose surname is Ko, apprehended on October 16, was a member of an anti-TVXQ website for over two years. In a letter to TVXQ, she states
“ You watch your mouth! Ever since the debut you people (members of TVXQ) were so stuck up. (middle fingers) You people won't last after a couple years... You would be forever seen as some teen idols not real singers. Do you know your limit? [The limit is that] Only little kids like you!...I really want to kill you. ”
The incident still left behind unanswered questions, such as why U-know drank from the open container, and how the culprit managed to enter the building of the broadcasting station. U-Know called the police personally to request them not to press charges because "he has a little sister who is almost the woman's age."Because of his request, she was not charged.
--Source: Wiki
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