Hope one day this planet will be one with love.

@темы: video, lynch.


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Hope one day this planet will be one with love.
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Hope one day this planet will be one with love.

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Hope one day this planet will be one with love.
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Hope one day this planet will be one with love.

Так вот как выглядит новый плакат lynch. ...
Интересно как бы такой почерк мог бы охарактеризовать... Хазуки?


@темы: Yusuke, photos, Hazuki, lynch., blog

Hope one day this planet will be one with love.

Interview: 今津 甲
Translation: G.

On his post-GULLET exile and the formation of 9GOATS...

@темы: photos, ryo, 9GOATS BLACK OUT, interview


Hope one day this planet will be one with love.

Теперь я хотя бы поняла как он сидит в этом драндулете LOL

Симбель ты чудо!!!!!!


Hope one day this planet will be one with love.
lynch. 『A GLEAM IN EYE』

Лимитка такая лимитка. Только 5 штук осталось XD

Hope one day this planet will be one with love.
translation from japanese by [info]miyawaki_kasumi
taken from [info]9goatsblackout , from 9goats.net

Thanks to you all, we were able to end the coupling tour "deep sleepers" without trouble.
There was a lot of problems, the tour was really full of all sorts of emergencies. Thank you.
3 / 24, we expressed our released album TANATOS in the form of the tour, 5 / 7 on oneman live named ORPHEUS in CLUB QUATTRO we plan to finish our current theme HEAVEN AND HELL.

Then 9GOATS BLACK OUT for preparations for future work temporarily will not participate in the events, lives, refrain from releases.
Time to return to activity is not yet determined.
At this idle the OHP and official store will continue their work.

After live on 5 / 7 there will be a meeting between permanent members and a support members of the group.
Perhaps as a result of this meeting may be some changes.
In this case, it`s like that live in CLUB QUATTRO will be the last in the current line-up, so we ask for your support in advance.

9GOATS BLACK OUT rely on the support, because at the first time in our experience the events unfolding so fast. This is because of emergencies. The position of our work is to stop the movement, to overestimate the direction of our products and find problems in them, so we ask for help and support in this.

When the group with head held high will be able to say that "the sound and voice in these works and the music able to enter deeply into human hearts" we are will continue our activities without slowing down.

We patch holes, releasing to you the world of TANATOS, opened this body, let blood run on the stage, deeply touching the heart. We want that present HEAVEN TO HELL was opened to you from this position.

Please wait for us.

@темы: 9GOATS BLACK OUT, news

Hope one day this planet will be one with love.

Credits: tangoineden


@темы: lynch., scans


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Hope one day this planet will be one with love.
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Hope one day this planet will be one with love.

Выложила новое видео на YouTube:attr:

После просмотра видео я поняла почему Юуки такой Юуки :lol::lol::lol:

Комментарии? Предложения?

@темы: Jinkaku Radio, video

Hope one day this planet will be one with love.
Дорогие ПЧ,

Пожалуйста объясните мне что это за японское время? 25:00 ~26:00 ?

@темы: question

Hope one day this planet will be one with love.
Юуки бьют током
Вопрос: какого именно и почему?

Hope one day this planet will be one with love.

как всегда в своем стиле :lol::lol:


@темы: Girugamesh, video



Hope one day this planet will be one with love.

Зонтики зонтики зонтики

@темы: Yusuke, photos, lynch., blog

Hope one day this planet will be one with love.

D'espairsRay World Tour 2010 "Human-clad Monsters"

18.09. 1Rock Club / Moscow / Russia
19.09. GlavClub / St Petersburg / Russia

22.09. Tavastia / Helsinki / Finland - www.tiketti.fi
24.09. Backstage / Munich / Germany
25.09. Zeche / Bochum / Germany
26.09. Columbiaclub / Berlin / Germany
28.09. Progesja / Warsaw / Poland - www.knockoutprod.net
29.09. Diesel / Budapest / Hungary - www.ticketportal.hu, www.concerto.hu
01.10. Magazzini Generali / Milan / Italy - www.ticketone.it
02.10. La Laiterie / Strasbourg / France - www.ticketnet.fr
03.10. Bataclan / Paris / France - www.ticketnet.fr


танцпол - 1400 рублей
танцпол-VIP - 1700 рублей
VIP 3-й ярус - 1700 рублей
VIP 2-й ярус - 2000 рублей


@темы: news, D'espairsRay


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Hope one day this planet will be one with love.
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Доступ к записи ограничен

Hope one day this planet will be one with love.
Закрытая запись, не предназначенная для публичного просмотра


Hope one day this planet will be one with love.

Только не говорите, что ОН купил вот ЭТО???? >_<
Он ведь купил ЭТО, да??????

@темы: photos, Hazuki, lynch., blog